Monday, February 2, 2009

Same Sex Marriage threatens society?

Some state that same sex marriages are threatening their right to see these marriages as illegitimate. This is not true. If one wants to disagree with sex marriages, fine. They lose this right to do so no more then those believe that there should be no right of marriage between a couple where one is 20 years older then another. But, the government represents all taxpaying and law abiding peoples of that state who enjoy the same rights as everyone else. The government has to ensure everyone is treated equal under the law. What about civil unions? Well, if civil unions are fine for same sex couples and their children why then not for heterosexual couples and their children? Marriage was invented by human beings to serve our societal/individual needs such as the raising of children. Hundreds of thousands of children today are being raised by same sex couples. They would be better off if their parents weren’t married? I don’ think those who oppose same sex marriage are full of hate but I don’t think enough of them have gotten to know the proud gay parents across the street who are raising great kids.

Another letter on domestic partnerships
I am confused, if domestic partnerships are ok for same sex couples, they aren’t for heterosexual couples? After all, both groups are today raising children. Are the children of same sex couples inferior and less worthy of protection? I think that most Americans would say of course not. They aren’t 2nd class citizens and their parents aren’t 2nd class parents who should be ok with a watered/legalistic version of marriage which ironically doesn’t even offer the same full rights as marriage. Even if civil unions in fact did that would we say that was ok? No, marriage is also symbolic. It is a statement that we don’t think of one group of people as so inferior to the rest of society that we have to create a special system that no one else really wants for themselves, for them. Those who oppose same sex marriage don’t hate but I don’t believe they truly understand what it is for society to say to you, that you are not a full member of society or at the very least your relationship is not really valued by society.

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