Monday, February 2, 2009

Letter about Chamblis election

Should Saxby Chambliss be returned as a from Georgia?No. He does a fine job already as a representative of the Imperial Sugar company. After the explosion at that plant in Savannah earlier this year he went to a Congressional hearing and attacked the whistleblower for pointing out that this explosion didn’t have to happen if Imperial didn’t ignore the high risk of combustible dust hazards. Indeed, OSHA chief Edwin Foulke, Jr stated that the explosion could have been prevented if Imperial had complied with existing OSHA standards and health safety standards. Savannah Morning News stated that the good senator was put up by Imperial to harass the whistleblower. Senator Isakson, a fellow Republican and no leftwing partisan, stated that the whisteblower’s evidence was credible. Does Chambliss care more about the people of Georgia and its’ workers or the elite? Indeed, Chambliss’s PAC received $9500 from the sugar lobby. Now, is this is the Senator’s opinion, that the profits of his “donors” are more important then ensuring the safety of the voters and workers of Georgia? Sen. McCain stated about a campaign ad directed against Chambliss’s opponent in 2002, Vietnam Veteran Max Cleland, that it was “it’s worse then disgraceful, it’s reprehensible. Fellow Republican Senator Chuck Hagel decried it as “beyond offensive to me.” Senator Chambliss supported the massive financial bailout without restrictions on “golden parachutes” of crooked or corrupt CEOS and senior executives. He voted for the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which dismantled the safeguards that had been put into place after the collapse of the stock market in 1929 and helped lead to the present financial collapse that is burdening taxpayers already with the fallout. Chambliss also voted for the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which deregulated whole sectors of the financial markets, including derivatives like the credit default swaps that brought down AIG. More costs to the taxpayers. Does Sen. Chambliss represent the people of the state of Georgia? Yes, absolutely, along as you are one of the elite who are able to give generous amounts to his political campaign. Along as you are an elite who wants legislative favors from the good senator. If that is you, if that meets the definition of you as a Georgian, then by all means support Senator Chambliss. If not, then maybe you want to look for a change. His name is Jim Martin.

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