Monday, February 2, 2009

NAFTA/Same Sex Marriage/Drug laws violate the Constitution

We as a nation need to oppose more international trade agreements that cost us jobs. Take NAFTA.. "Chapter 11" provisions which, under the North American Free Trade Agreement, has led to local and state governments being sued for environmental and labor laws meant to protect the quality of life of those regions.This has just not happened under NAFTA but also under World Trade Organization rules, whose intent is the same. We as a nation under the guise of "free trade" are allowing our standards of living, our air and water quality and workplaces to be less safe. Foreign competition is a good ideal, but not at this expense.Indeed, if one wants to know how these rules have come about, just follow the money in campaign contributions, as anybody who knows anything about politics knows when you want a special favor in D.C. or a state capitol just start spreading the money and call it free speech. We need to ensure that any nation that wants to trade with us has to have higher wage and labor standards or Americans shouldn’t have to compete with sweatshop/19th century conditions. This will keep more jobs in the U.S. there will be less profit margins to move jobs overseas.

Same Sex Marriage and Religion:

Jean Mealy wrote, "If the creator of this world desired one sex, we would not have had Adam give up his rib to come up with Eve and therefore create more humans. If Adam had lived with all males, there would be no inhabitants at this time. Therefore, the gays wouldn't be here and neither would other humans."Well, I wonder if Jean Mealy, who stated she is 75, is so concerned for marriage that she wants to strip the right to marry from people her own age since they lack the ability to procreate. Not many women older than 60 retain the ability to have children. I doubt she is advocating that though. The U.S. is in no danger of seeing its population decline with same-sex marriage.Indeed, to argue that a society shouldn't' allow same-sex marriage for procreation reasons is illogical because gay men/women don't want to procreate with the opposite sex anyway or two, are we to force them to procreate with those they don't want to have sex with? Lastly, artificial insemination solves any problem of gay families lacking ability to have children.

Drug Laws violate civil rights-letter

I was deeply disturbed to learn that the Racine police issued $968 tickets to 441 individuals (at the Tradewinds bar) who committed no crime whatsoever other than a trumped up charge of disorderly conduct for being in a rave where there was some drug usage. Sgt. Macemon of the Racine Police Department stated that the tickets were justified because raves "can lead to dangerous activity such as fights, sexual assaults and driving under the influence." I don't know if Sgt. Macemon knows this but these activities can happen at any bar; should we punish all patrons if one is found with drugs? These actions by the Racine Police Department are just a sign of the lack of concern for the Constitution that the drug war is creating.Ecstasy is a nasty drug, as are most illegal drugs. But this is not the way to educate the public about its dangers; it only breeds contempt for the law. Overreaching police and courts who think they are above the Constitution or its principles are not what the Founding Fathers envisioned.

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