Monday, February 2, 2009

Romney and atheists

Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has stated that we needed elected officials who are "people of faith."I guess he thinks an atheist combat veteran with a degree in government could not be trusted to be a county clerk.An atheist believes one must use one's own reason and common sense for problem-solving, be it in everyday life or in the Oval Office. Many religious people do this every day but use religion to support governmental policies such as those who oppose same-sex marriage or the right to die.For a nation of 300 million people, appeals to religion won't do. Not all Americans would agree with policies based solely on the Bible or another religious book.An atheist president might believe rights don't come from a god but are the result of evolutionary forces that produced a man who needs, desires and yearns for liberty. If God is true, it doesn't require our country to elect a person to keep telling us that God is true.

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