Monday, February 2, 2009

Evolution not a closed system

Some who argue against evolution brings up the First and Second laws of thermodynamics and entropy. Like Dracula in a bad movie, these arguments just won’t die. Basically the First law stated that energy level in a closed system is constant and the Second law states that in a closed system disorder or entropy must increase or stay constant in time. The trouble with these arguments, well, we aren’t a closed system. If we were a closed system then plants wouldn’t grow, flowers wouldn’t grow. We couldn’t live. The reason we aren’t a closed system is because of the sun. It gives us a steady flow of energy that living things in the US utilize to grow. Now if one wants to make the argument that there has to be some kind of “progam” directing the energy from the sun to produce the complexity of a flower then why does a complex snowflake not need such a program? It is not a living thing but naturally without any genetic code given or directed by a supposed deity we see very ordered patterns in snowflakes. So, obviously a deity isn’t necessary for order and complexity in the world or in life. Mr. Hansen gave a list of three individuals who hold doctorates and believe in intelligent design. Well, only one has a degree in biology. There is a project called project Steve. What it is is a list of men and women named Steve, Stephen, Stephanie or a foreign language equivalent who support evolution and have a PhD in biology or a related field. This list is greater then all the scientists who state they support the idea of creationism or intelligent design (no matter what their name might be) even though only about 1% of scientists have such a name. That just goes to show the huge disparity between the scientists who believe in intelligent design with the rest of the field.

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